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Why Monthly SEO Services are Critical for Long-term Success

Seo Article 1

So, your fully optimised website is finally up and running, but has it got what it takes to go the distance?

Many businesses still believe that SEO is a one-time thing, something you only need to do when you launch or rebrand a website. But in reality, it’s an ongoing challenge and as with most things in life, you tend to get out what you put in.

Here’s a quick run-through of why websites need regular monthly SEO checks, the business benefits it brings, and why it’s so important for your overall SEO strategy.

Why is ranking on Google important?

According to Statista, Google is the most frequently used search engine worldwide, dominating the market with a 92% market share globally and an 86% market share here in the UK.

As a business, you want to get your brand, products, and services in front of as many potential customers as possible and with Google receiving over 15 billion online hits a month, ranking on the first few pages of Google’s Search Engine Results Pages (SERPs) is one of the best ways to help you do this.

Why monthly SEO?

The SEO landscape is constantly changing, with over 200 Google ranking factors and hundreds of changes being made to its search engine algorithm throughout the year. Staying on top of these continual updates and regularly optimising your website is critical if you want to gain more organic search results and maintain a good ranking in the SERPs.

There are so many reasons for investing in ongoing, monthly SEO, including:

  • Identify important Google changes and gauge their impact on your site
  • Adopt a proactive approach to react to changes as they happen
  • Constantly monitor SEO metrics
  • Assess and make changes to underperforming pages
  • Increase brand visibility and enhance your reputation
  • Reach a wider audience to increase site traffic
  • Win more business to maximise profitability
  • Keep pace with competitors who are doing the same
  • Ensure the best user experience

Why investing in monthly SEO services is like hiring a Personal Trainer

It has been said that investing in monthly SEO services is a bit like hiring your own Personal Trainer. When you want to achieve your personal fitness goals you go to an expert. You seek out professional help from someone who has a solid track record in achieving results – someone who can help you develop a structured exercise plan tailored to your own unique needs.

Similarly, when you need monthly SEO services to improve your website’s health, you come to someone like FWD, who have over 19 years’ experience in the SEO and digital marketing business.

But just like when you start a new exercise plan, don’t expect results to happen overnight; it takes time, effort, and continuous adjustments to get you to a place where you can start seeing the fruits of your labour – or in this case, our labour. Because the best part about monthly SEO packages is that we do all the hard work for you, so you don’t ever need to break out into a sweat.

And SEO is only one part of the larger marketing picture. When you work with us it’s a real team effort. We don’t just help you with your website health and ranking, we’re always available to advise you on marketing activities that will complement and help boost your SEO activities. And much like a Personal Trainer, we’re here to advise, motivate, and inspire you onto greater things, so your business can see the success it deserves.

Business benefits of a monthly SEO package

When you get SEO right, you can see real results; typically, our clients experience around a 20% increase in site health as well as significant gains in organic rankings.

Some people would have you believe that SEO is easy and that anyone can do it. This is a massive oversimplification. Most businesses simply don’t have the time, resources, or skills necessary to tackle this level of SEO themselves.

Which is why many businesses are outsourcing this type of work to agencies like us, that have a team of SEO experts with the professional software, training, and expertise needed to take on this time-consuming work on a monthly basis.

Business benefits of a monthly SEO package, include:

  • Boosts the online visibility of your business
  • Highly cost-effective marketing tool
  • Delivers great Return On Investment (ROI)
  • Provides actionable data and valuable leads
  • Increases your brand credibility
  • Ensures long-term traffic and revenue generation
  • Attracts relevant users who are more likely to make a purchase

A tailored, ongoing SEO strategy is the best way to maintain your website and make sure it’s optimised and relevant to both your users and search engines. Much like when you exercise, once you stop putting the work in and let your SEO activities fall by the wayside, you risk losing your fitness levels and ranking, and all the associated benefits that go with it.

What’s in a monthly SEO package?

Our bespoke, monthly SEO packages include:

  • A full site audit
  • Technical and/or content SEO
  • Monthly review of your site health, ranking, and google analytics

All of which forms the foundations for next month’s approach.

Get In Touch

If you’re looking to get more from your website and think a monthly SEO package sounds right for you, get in touch and we’ll help you plan a SEO strategy that delivers more traffic and revenue for your business.


By Helen Culyer

Freelance copywriter, content creator, and proofreader with extensive experience writing for businesses in the IT sector.
